Motmot Blog

Recess' Yo-yos Tyler Severance on CBS TV

Yoyo Champ and friend of the Motmot Shop, Tyler Severance, was recently featured on CBS New York for National Yoyo Day! June 6th is National Yo-yo Day in the USA, and CBS News New York, had a nice little spot explaining what modern yo-yoing is all about. Tyler Severance is a three-time World Yo-Yo champion, and also runs Recess Yo-yos. Tyler does such a great job explaining yo-yos for the camera, and has taught countless number of people how to yoyo over the years, and his enthusiasm always shines through.
Of course, Motmot is proud to carry some sweet swag from Recess, the First Base being one of our most consistently best selling yo-yos. They seem to sell out as soon as we get them! And of course we also carry the Recess Charm, and the Joyride. We’re one of the only shops in the EU carrying goods by Recess, so you might want to pick ‘em up while you still can!

Grab a Nekyo First Base here:
Pick up a Recess Charm here:
And pick up the last Joyride here: